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VidLii Hello world (2 years ago) | |
VidLii 403 bug fixed (4 years ago) | |
VidLii VidLii videos were watched 2,048,971 minutes in one year (5 years ago) | |
VidLii Vidlii reach 20000 total users (5 years ago) | |
VidLii VidLii reached. 3.000.000 total Video Views. (5 years ago) |
Channel Comments (1,506)
WebGame2kV2 (2 years ago)
kid-friendly website
SonsVegito2 (2 years ago)
lalinsky (2 years ago)
thx u 4 ur support sweetie
` ¹li¡|¡|¡il¹ muuuuuaaaaaak...♥
` ¹li¡|¡|¡il¹ muuuuuaaaaaak...♥
magicalattackARMY (2 years ago)
DriveLinks2 (2 years ago)
How about you add channel reporting. But you can appeal it. if the appeal is false. Then you're banned.
theokimber (2 years ago)
@VidLii can you add a rule named innapropiate language & innapropiate gore and violence
VDV (2 years ago)
Where demonic currents prowl. Where fictions make themselves real
hoxa (2 years ago)
How's the family?
sub2me4asub (2 years ago)
Sub 4 Sub
Faoplich (2 years ago)
I Might Hold a Vidlii Awards If Enough People Particpate and im just going through your channel to see if you would like to be included
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