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Timothy Calverick 🇺🇸
TimothyCalverick Joined: Nov 03, 2023 Last Sign In: 3 months ago Subscribers: 8 Video Views: 95 Channel Views: 451
Age: 20
I have permanently moved to VidLii after getting falsely suspended on YouTube by their no-life CEO named Neal Mohan.

I will continue to harass idiotic celebrities on here.
Country: United States
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Recent Activity
TimothyCalverick My prediction of Trump winning the 2024 Presidential election came true and this is the result: (3 months ago)
TimothyCalverick Donald Trump is going to win the 2024 presidential election, I can feel it! (3 months ago)
TimothyCalverick Unbelievable! Another member of my ally has also been dragged back into the war by the same certain life wasting fatass as well. Some people just want my allies to suffer, I tell you. (3 months ago)
TimothyCalverick Unfortunately, Peace isn't 100% restored yet. A certain fatass just dragged one of my comrades back into the war. (3 months ago)
TimothyCalverick Despite the 2015-2024 war already being over, I have plans to include a certain 21-year old Mexican GoFag (The same exact one who vaguely attacked me on YouTube for no reason at all) on a bonus scene for my upcoming late birthday video out of SSSniperWolf. I'll only be doing this just for once. (3 months ago)
Channel Comments (39)
TimothyCalverick (9 months ago)
It has been a month since that tragic suspending curse on MeWe began. Causing 3 of my comrades to get affected by it.
TimothyCalverick (9 months ago)
I saw that one of my comrades got unfairly suspended from this platform recently.
TimothyCalverick (9 months ago)
I may consider making my debut on Dailymotion soon. Same applies to my friends.
TimothyCalverick (9 months ago)
I have recently heard complaints from people saying that we blocked them for no reason when in reality, We didn't press the block button on any of them.

And as of right now, We're currently getting to the bottom of fixing this issue.
TimothyCalverick (10 months ago)
Once the registrations are fixed, I may try to find someone outside from the USA to join my ally group.
TimothyCalverick (10 months ago)
Madison Hanscheck will be the final member I will be ordering until further notice. Meaning no more newbies until the MeWe registrations are fixed.
TimothyCalverick (10 months ago)
The first female member of my allies has finally arrived.
TimothyCalverick (11 months ago)
I've been working on the process of my FlashThemes birthday video out of Chris Chan for hours. And now I'm ready to publish it. But only on here and MeWe though.
TimothyCalverick (1 year ago)
Neal Mohan can suck a dick and die. He is even worse than Susan Wojcicki.
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