CHRIST IS KING卐ϟϟ✠ᛉ☦︎ꑭ☦️⚡
Joined: Mar 03, 2018
Last Sign In: 10 hours ago Subscribers: 380
Video Views: 36,379 Channel Views: 12,518
Age: 27
Professional at making pedophiles mad.
I'm a based nationalist shitposter that enjoys trolling and gaming.
You'll likely see me just being myself doing whatever i want or just being based in general watching mentally ill freaks cry over how epic i am while me and the based lads all have a laugh.
If you're here to whinge and spam about pure nonsense like a degenerate or be a complete spastic and white knight for actual sad pathetic spergs, or you're some beta subhuman weeb/furfag/groomer sped having a mental breakdown in text you got a sad life bro and you should rope.
Some of you legit got bullied so hard, cry harder.
I really don't care, you should get your head stomped on with steed toed boots with your teeth on the nearest curb thanks.
Won't be linking my Discord yet atm.
Guilded - Not interested in giving out rn
I'm a based nationalist shitposter that enjoys trolling and gaming.
You'll likely see me just being myself doing whatever i want or just being based in general watching mentally ill freaks cry over how epic i am while me and the based lads all have a laugh.
If you're here to whinge and spam about pure nonsense like a degenerate or be a complete spastic and white knight for actual sad pathetic spergs, or you're some beta subhuman weeb/furfag/groomer sped having a mental breakdown in text you got a sad life bro and you should rope.
Some of you legit got bullied so hard, cry harder.
I really don't care, you should get your head stomped on with steed toed boots with your teeth on the nearest curb thanks.
Won't be linking my Discord yet atm.
Guilded - Not interested in giving out rn
Interests: PC Gaming, trolling, christianity, shitting on woke culture
Movies: Rampage (2009) Matrix (1999) American History X (1998), Romper Stomper (1992), American Psycho(2000), Triumph Of The Will (1935)
Music: Skrewdriver, 80s Music, Synthwave, Vaporwave, FASHWAVE
Books: Mein Kampf, Doctrine of Fascism, George Floyd Creepypastas. Metro 2033, Siege, Holy Bible,
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Recent Activity
SaintFox The tranime pedophile is back, if you see the account, block and report to vidlii. Let's get this pedophile exposed and arrested. (1 month ago) | ||
SaintFox commented on a video (1 month ago) TRANS RIGHTS!!!
@Skater24481 Only good tranny is one that's dead and burning in hell, that's thousands of future child grooming prevented. Sick demented perverts mus... |
SaintFox I have not been very active on this site, if there's anything important i should know or be aware of please respectfully contact me. (1 month ago) | ||
SaintFox commented on a video (2 months ago) handy sook
@NoSafeSpace4Incels Adam pls think of the children. |
SaintFox commented on a video (2 months ago) Lepine mp4
@NoSafeSpace4Incels Watch how he cured feminism with this one simple trick. |
Channel Comments (650)
SaintFox (1 year ago)
If you're here to post something incredibly unfunny and retarded then i will delete your worthless shitty comments, nobody cares. I will actually kill you in real life if i see you.
SaintFox (1 year ago)
You retarded zoomers never fail to make me cringe.
SaintFox (1 year ago)
I myself will continue to be better and cooler than any of you and will continue making you beta losers cry, cause we all know you're sad pathetic losers irl and everyone laughs at you. You will never inherit the kingdom of god, you're all sad deluded weird freak pedophiles who will eventually get what you deserve in the end, and i hope you suffer forever in hell you satanic scumbags. Grow up and Find god or kill yourself.
SaintFox (1 year ago)
My advice is get off vidlii and better start looking up suicide methods, because i don't feel least bit bad for any of you. Someone slit your throat irl. You especially weebofaggot xenocuck and anyone that's a fan of that miserable brainlet mongrel poofta. I've never seen anyone more sad and pathetic in all my life. The day you finally off yourself will hopefully make this site less shitty. You think you look cool making gay edits, But You're not cool and never will be. Cope harder.
SaintFox (1 year ago)
You're boring and cringe and honestly i couldn't honestly give two shits about your abuse, i only wish you were beaten to death in an alley like all you trash deserved.
SaintFox (1 year ago)
You're all fat sweaty salty mad autistic manchild virgins jerking off to anime traps and child porn and waste your life on here begging for the sweet release of death. If only someone granted your wish and shut you all up for good. Like it's not my fault that you got bullied for a living and look like mutant abominations that no girl would find attractive so you take out your frustration on people online would who honestly could smash you out irl.
SaintFox (1 year ago)
You cunts would never meet irl cause i'd unironically kill you in self defense.
SaintFox (1 year ago)
And no you'll never be as cool as me. Cry harder.
SaintFox (1 year ago)
Cry harder Xenofaggot, kill yourself Anime lolicon pedo, rage harder vidlii nonces, get a father sad trannies, slice your wrists more fat emos, throw yourself in front of a moving train autistic spergs.
SaintFox (1 year ago)
Also i should mention. I just love being white.
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