Channel Comments (30)

GoodGuyNeighbor (4 years ago)
pika (shut up annoying spammer!)

Wildanimalsfavorites (4 years ago)

Lilabug80 (4 years ago)
nope, sorry.

case167 (4 years ago)
ur annoying and ihate u

DeepEnd (4 years ago)
WTF? hell no!!!!

69lol (4 years ago)
Fuck off.

Baptism (4 years ago)
Are you real person?

stormydaniels (4 years ago)
I'm not on Deviant Art and I checked to see if you are on it and apparently not. So i'm reporting and blocking you for spam!!!!!

KingCharles (4 years ago)
No, and I'm hoping this is just a spam account. You're blocked and reported.

VaginalDischarge (4 years ago)
I'm not on deviant sorry, I'm hoping this was just spam. Reported and blocked.
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