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MexicanCapitalist's Channel
MexicanCapitalist Joined: Jun 24, 2022 Subscribers: 8 Channel Views: 1,806
Age: 33
Country: United States
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Channel Comments (194)
GrayFox (1 year ago)
Fuckin' retarded ass snowflake, you think niggers like Mookie are real men? That nigger piece of shit is 37 and lives with his damn mom, he's got no job and his mom cooks for him. He's a fuckin' coomer too, liking Twitter porn and thirstin' on 18 and 19 year old girls. Those jungle bunnies aren't real men, they're fuckin' parasites!
ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
Tucker speaks the truth. I always hear people wanting those two to host a presidential debate. Ghost is about as popular as CNN and anal exams in Republican politics. His star has faded.
BiHan (1 year ago)
You sound like a homo talking to me, faggot. Also while we're on it, why is Ghost's nephew a homo? Why does he approve of it?
BiHan (1 year ago)
No I asked you first. Don't try to change the subject on me, boy? Why are you obsessed with my dick?
ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
Well glad you agree with me on that. But Ghost is still a sellout!!! Tucker and Rogan FTW!!!
ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
Yeah, because Trump had to deal with RINOs congress. We need more people like Tommy Tuberville, I like how he's trying to end wokeness in the military. The Military should be used to defend the homeland, it is not a social justice experiment.
RaidenSan (1 year ago)
LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
How about you vote for the Liz Cheney/John Kasich ticket and you will get tacos mailed to you on election day. Plus if you vote for Cheney/Kasich we will also mail you a naked picture of Maxine Waters. I know you are horny for that bad mama jama.
BiHan (1 year ago)
What's your obsession with dick? Are you gay or something?
BiHan (1 year ago)
Send the beaners back down to Mexico!
Send the beaners back down to Mexico!
Send the beaners back down to Mexico where they come frooooooooooooom!!!
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