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MexicanCapitalist's Channel
MexicanCapitalist Joined: Jun 24, 2022 Subscribers: 8 Channel Views: 1,806
Age: 33
Country: United States
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Channel Comments (194)
LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
Liz Cheney is running for president. She said she wants to legalize drag shows for kids and defeat Vladimir Putin for making good movies like Blue Beetle and The Flash bomb at the box office. I KNOW WHAT I SAW!!! AND CHRISTIE IS A FATASS! Liz Cheney will make him eat crow, which is a lot more healthier than Krispy Kreme. 🤣🍩
ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
No, real Republicans don't like woke garbage comic book movies. You should check out the Marvel Netflix shows or The Joker movie. They are grounded and gritty.
LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
Me and Nick AdamsALT are trying to cleanse the Republican Party from MAGA extremists. That's why we can Liz Cheney as our president, she will lock Trump up in Guantanamo Bay. And we want Ezra Miller as our VP to get the LGBT and African American vote. He has been wrongly targeted by our KKK law enforcement.
ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
My malefics will rip you in half. Good luck with that. Also Ghost is probably being blackmailed by the deep state. That's why your leader has gone full RINO.
Shu (1 year ago)
Anytime, any place.
ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
I bet you like those woke SJW Disney/Marvel shows. And those movies are awesome. You and your capitalist buttbuddies are better off jerking off to Ahoska.
Shu (1 year ago)
You're such a beaner! You are a subhuman.
ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
Two of the biggest threats to our Democracy our Vladimir Putin and Climate Change. If you are a real conservative I'd support the Liz Cheney/Ezra Miller ticket! Those two will make America great again. And Krispy Kreme is backed by Vladimir Putin.
LincolnProjectGhost (1 year ago)
You know something. I have a feeling that Vladimir Putin is the reason why The Flash and Blue Beetle bombed at the box office. He is sending Russian trolls to review bomb those movies. Just wait until Liz Cheney is sworn in. The Ruskies are gonna regret fucking with US.
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