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MaskedPonyALT's Channel
MaskedPonyALT Joined: Apr 26, 2024 Subscribers: 15 Channel Views: 490
Age: 28
Country: Cocos (Keeling) Islands
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MaskedPonyALT became friends with DemocracyWarriorAdam (1 month ago)
MaskedPonyALT became friends with ReverendsLostBrother (1 month ago)
MaskedPonyALT became friends with AlexisTheActivist (2 months ago)
MaskedPonyALT became friends with LincolnProjectGhost (5 months ago)
MaskedPonyALT became friends with SuperChrisChristie (5 months ago)
Channel Comments (44)
ReverendCapitalist (9 months ago)
I am not your dad, you are 27, I'm 36, and there is one universe created by God! I am not a racist, and your dream is fake because I absolutely hate Obama and I would never do a sinful act such as that! You make me want to lose my dinner with your disgusting story you sinful fruit! I'm not interested in either, both are godless heathen debauchery! YOU NEED TO REPENT TO GOD!
GunRangeCapitalist (10 months ago)
Fuck you, you maskedpony diaper wearing fruit, I'm not leaving the gun range because I work there, you stupid tard autist! Not to mention it's my job! Green Lantern isn't real, but if he tried to do that shit, I'd shoot him you manchild refuse to grow up fucking loser tard! I don't murder kids, asshole, so fuck off! That didn't even happen in Texas, so how is it my fault, you tard autist? Go fuck yourself, you tard, I HATE YOU AUTISTS!
Ruka (10 months ago)
And I don't
Gosamaru (10 months ago)
Oh lord, it Mr. I like to tell nice Stowies!
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