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Johnny Sparkle
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Aug 10, 2023
Hello every body. I am Ghost from Earth 75. I served with Nick Adams and Nick Fury at SHIELD HQ. THAN FUCKING SPIDERMAN AND DR.STRANGE FUCKED UP THE MULTIVERSE! GET ME THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!!

Oh and Liz Cheney/Ezra Miller 24
University of Barack Obama
Hmm lets. I like collecting My Little Pony toys and I have a man crush on Josh Martin(he's a Barney performer).
When I came to this universe I watched The Dial of Destiny, Elemental and The Little Mermaid Reboot
I liked The My Little Pony Manga in my universe
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DarkHorse ☞ Jeffrey Dahmer Trolls...
This fruity bastard is gonna lose his voice.
Channel Comments (200)
PlumbingCapitalist (1 year ago) Of course your stupid fruitbowl ass would support someone that has a secret gay lover your fruitbowl brony piece of shit! Who fucking cares if his father was a mailman? WHO GIVES A FUCK?! I could care fucking less about this Ezra asshole you assholes obsess over! SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THAT ASSHOLE! I could care less what manchild movie bombs! Fuck the MAGA movement and Putin though! But I don't associate with MAGA or Putin, SO YOU CAN SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THAT CRAP!
NavyAdmiralRanmaru (1 year ago) Can somebody get this little bastard?
ReverendCapitalist (1 year ago) I HATE RUSSIA, IT IS OF THE DEVIL! I would rather read my bible than watch those manchild movies you described! Liz Cheney is of the devil and so is Putin! I am not related to any of the capitalist people, they are my friends! God wants women in the kitchen, and the sooner you realize that, the better! There is only one universe God made! REPENT!
MexicanCapitalist (1 year ago) Of course a brony baguette like you would want some with a secret boyfriend as VP you puto fruitbowl! I don't give a flying fuck about that Ezra Miller asshole you idiots keep talking about! Cut the crap! I hate Putin and the MAGA movement, so why the fuck should I care? I don't care about that stupid movie anyway! Who gives a fuck if his dad was a mailman? Who gives a fuck, dumbass puto? And how about no one 2024 since everyone is a damn joke?
FishingCapitalist (1 year ago) Don't comment me 2 fucking times if I don't respond you no life having tard piece of shit! And it's pretty obvious now you're a homosexual because Kasich has a gay lover! But fuck Kasich, and you're a tard if you think 9/11 and January 6th could've been prevented! But you're the one saying "Oh, I'm from a different universe!" so you're obviously on some sorta drugs or in fucking lala land!
CowboyCapitalist (1 year ago) I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT THAT CRAP! FUCK TRUMP AND FUCK PUTIN TOO YOU CRACKHEAD PIECE OF SHIT! I don't know what your infatuation with Liz Cheney is, but fuck the republican party as it is now! Bill Clinton would've fucked this country over if we didn't have a republican congress, you stupid tard! Of course you support someone with a gay lover, but Kasich's dad was a mailman, not him! Women shouldn't be in charge of anything, you tard! AND STOP OBSESSING OVER THAT EZRA MILLER FRUITBOWL!
ShizukaKuonji (1 year ago) NEVER
Gintoki (1 year ago) Lolwut?
ReverendCapitalist (1 year ago) You will get anally raped in prison for mocking rock ape's death, you pathetic troll! I am not a priest, I am a street preacher, and real Christians to not support that degenerate filth! Putin is an evil satanist, and doing that is a sin! MAGA is also a sin, and Trump is Satan's candidate! REPENT!
PlumbingCapitalist (1 year ago) And I'll shoot you in the damn knee caps if you tried, you piece of crap!
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