LincolnProjectGhost's Channel
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Johnny Sparkle
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Aug 10, 2023
Hello every body. I am Ghost from Earth 75. I served with Nick Adams and Nick Fury at SHIELD HQ. THAN FUCKING SPIDERMAN AND DR.STRANGE FUCKED UP THE MULTIVERSE! GET ME THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!!

Oh and Liz Cheney/Ezra Miller 24
University of Barack Obama
Hmm lets. I like collecting My Little Pony toys and I have a man crush on Josh Martin(he's a Barney performer).
When I came to this universe I watched The Dial of Destiny, Elemental and The Little Mermaid Reboot
I liked The My Little Pony Manga in my universe
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LincolnProjectGhost became friends with MaskedPonyALT (3 months ago)
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LincolnProjectGhost became friends with SuperChrisChristie (6 months ago)
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DarkHorse ☞ Jeffrey Dahmer Trolls...
This fruity bastard is gonna lose his voice.
Channel Comments (198)
PlumbingCapitalist (10 months ago) I could fucking care less, boi! I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR MANCHILD BULLSHIT! How bout growing up already, boi! Stop watching stupid superhero movies you lala land dwelling tard! I ain't a white nationalist, you fucking tard! I HATE WHITE NATIONALISTS! YOU'RE IN AMERICA, AND SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH THIS DIFFERENT UNIVERSE SHIT! ONCE YOU'RE DRAFTED, YOU'RE GONNA FIGHT FOR YOUR COUNTRY AND YOU'RE GONNA LIKE IT! Funny you mention Bud Light, Trump supports Bud Light! How does that make you feel, boi?
MechanicCapitalist (10 months ago) Yeah, fuck you, asshole, I hope a fucking war happens and you fight it, you piece of crap lala land dwelling tard! I'm not a cyclist piece of shit, I'm an independent capitalist you fucking idiot! I ain't a nazi, anime fucks are the damn nazis! I'll besmirch who I want, you piece of autistic crap! I HATE YOU AUTIST FUCKERS! AND I DON'T CARE IF HIS DAD WAS A MAILMAN, SHUT THE FUCK UP! GODDAMN I WANNA BEAT YOUR FUCKING ASS!
GamblingCapitalist (10 months ago) Fuck you, I ain't gonna stop gambling, you piece of crap! And I ain't doing that shit, boi! I'm not saying where I worked, but I'm living lavish! But fuck you, I ain't doing mail, you can mail these nuts, boi!
14AR15sRule88 (10 months ago) You son of a bitch, don't have no fucking job tomorrow 'cause you voted for that nigger, Obama? Is that your fuckin' problem, Frank, making bad decisions all your fuckin' life, like CALLING me up this much?!? THAT'S THE WORST FUCKIN' DECISION YOU EVER MADE, YOU PIECE OF SHIT, YOU, you got it? Keep it up, motherfucker!
Akemi (10 months ago) Ewwwwwww a clopper
PlumbingCapitalist (10 months ago) I could care fucking less who you're done with, boi! I hope he goes to jail for his crimes, whatever they are SO YOU'LL SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THAT IDIOT! Fuck you, America isn't racist, and I hope when your draft number is called, YOU BETTER FIGHT FOR YOUR COUNTRY AND YOU'RE GONNA LIKE IT! Of course a brony fruitbowl like you wants Kasich, a piece of crap that had a secret male lover! I can tell you're a damn fruity ass fruitbowl gay bastard!
Goromaru (10 months ago) NEVER! Assy McGee sucks! I bet you like TGTTM! XD
HipHopCapitalist (10 months ago) I don't want dat street shitta in the oval office, nigga! Bitchez don't belong in leadership roles, nigga! Much as I hate ta say, dat bitch azz nigga Trump probably gonna get the nomination, which pisses me off! Nigga, I'm black and dey ain't my family and you a commie piece a crap for sayin crapitalist, stupid azz nigga! Ghost ain't backed by Russia, he hates Russia! Stupid dumbazz autistic tard nigga!
GunRangeCapitalist (10 months ago) And I'm not because I don't like women in power! Women shouldn't be in charge of anything, you stupid tard fake Ghost! THANOS ISN'T REAL YOU STUPID AUTIST, STOP BEING IN LALA LAND ALREADY! No matter who wins in 2024, WE'RE FUCKED! Which I'm betting you wanna fuck Kasich's lover, you piece of crap!
FishingCapitalist (10 months ago) Shut the fuck up about this fucking fish shit you autistic tard! And hell no, I ain't voting for stupid street shitter Nikki Haley! We don't need women in leadership and I could care less who she's supported by! AND FUCK YOU, YOU AIN'T MY MASTER YOU FAKE GHOST PIECE OF CRAP! You're lucky we're not in a bar right now because I'd beat the ever loving shit out of you!
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