HomeOffice eCommerce Strategies
HomeOffice Joined: Aug 04, 2020 Subscribers: 1 Video Views: 42 Channel Views: 15
eCommerce is a deep and wonderful niche that many approach with the wrong attitude; you CAN make all the money you want - BUT - you're going to need a plan driven by timely and factual information that doesn't purvey a sense of hype or pressure to get the viewer to order non-essential merchandise...
Country: Canada
Occupation: Writer, Web Developer
Schools: School of Hard Knocks
Interests: Content, Code, & Cash...
Movies: Matrix, Attack On Titan, Starship Troopers
Music: Howlin' Wolf, Frank Zappa, Minutemen
Books: The Cornelius Chronicles, Brave New World
Subscribers (1)
Videos (2)
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