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GG's Channel
GG Joined: May 26, 2019 Last Sign In: 9 months ago Subscribers: 119 Channel Views: 1,974
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Recent Activity
GG became friends with incel (9 months ago)
GG became friends with dero (9 months ago)
GG became friends with fuckyoukyonyuu3 (10 months ago)
GG became friends with 0o6r (1 year ago)
GG became friends with SLOTH (1 year ago)
Channel Comments (79)
MomijiInubashiri (1 year ago)
Nah it's just a pfp man, I chose it because I like it.
4dojo (1 year ago)
I guess everybody wish les they could reverse time, but time has a way of changing everything we love.
magicalattack (1 year ago)
How are you?
MomijiInubashiri (1 year ago)
Nopesies, I do miss old YT but imo this site is much better even than old YT.
magicalattack (1 year ago)
Vert (1 year ago)
I did have an acc back on old YT as early as 2006. I miss the old days tbh.
I feel like such an old person.
Fascinating (1 year ago)
Of course i did friend
666 (1 year ago)
Yes, I've been on YouTube since 2007, only the account I was using I can't access it (sinpano) Another 2009 account I had, was recently deleted by YouTube mysteriously.
4dojo (1 year ago)
Yes. I did indeed have a YouTube channel back in 2009. The link is in my channel description.
MomijiInubashiri (1 year ago)
I miss old YT as well and yeah I had an account on there back then, though I only started uploading garbage in early 2010.
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