praeludium(2 years ago)
No problem with that! I have experienced that the hispanic side of this website is too dead :/ Hopeful the "english" side is more active.
And it is great to share the same feelings about this kind of sites to exchange memories with each other!
UnknownTheme(2 years ago)
A couple of days ago I was watching an anime called "Tak op destiny"... It makes me think about a starry sky background for my channel. Wonderful anime.
SakumatoChan(2 years ago)
ah , Naruto ? niiice ! :'0 I'll be honest too , I'm not really a big fan of his new Boruto design either myself. ^^;; yeah I mean , he has grown though and finally became Hokage he dreamed buuuut ... not a fan of it.
StarBomberRevice2021(2 years ago)
You too ^^ hope you enjoy my Channel and content on here,nice to meet you as well ^^
praeludium(2 years ago)
Your channel design is great! And not problem, I don't feel old anyways ;) but I will always miss those days as well! We only have the beautiful memories.
UnknownTheme(2 years ago)
Awww thanks. I will keep my channel cute then <3.
Anteiku(2 years ago)
Thanks for the cheer up!!! We will bring all the OPs we can! <3
SakumatoChan(2 years ago)
(。^。^。) eyy , awesome sauce ! ! also , that's okay too even Sakura may have her ups and downs in the beginning the early series but , hey seeing her grown makes to appreciate her more!
CoffeeDrops(2 years ago)
cannibalism, i'm kinda into that (┓゜A゜)┓