It was because of something from seventh grade. someone came up to my in the hall and said. "You're a bagel." So everyone started calling me that. the THE part is because oddly, there are other "bagel"s. So I use thebagel264. And it just sounds good. I could have "hunterbadass" but thats to full of myself. I mean I know i'm good but come on. So that is why. Its an unique name and is pretty funny.
v0xul(7 years ago)
Your CUCK of a president would never have allowed this and that's why this timeline is the absolute best
Dom(7 years ago)
Your CUCK of a president would never have allowed this and that's why this timeline is the absolute best
thethoriumcultist(7 years ago)
Your CUCK of a president would never have allowed this and that's why this timeline is the absolute best
MusicAndAntiques64(7 years ago)
It's a video about a man ( I can't remember his name) that kills zombies and has to survive.