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BlizzardAngel's Channel
BlizzardAngel Joined: Jan 31, 2018 Last Sign In: 6 years ago Subscribers: 2 Video Views: 161 Channel Views: 88
Age: 33
Country: Germany
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Woodchopping day 1 From: BlizzardAngel
Views: 36
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Videos (3)
Woodchopping day 1
Woodchopping day 1 6 years ago
Recent Activity
BlizzardAngel Its like the 5th time I have scratched a video because I was not happy with the quality, this is harder than I initially thought, really makes you have respect for youtubers that do this for a living (7 years ago)
BlizzardAngel So the camera is actually way to heavy for the little plane, no footage will come outta this experiment. Also tried uploading a lets play I have done, turns out I forgot to take into account that I can only upload 15min videos, the video itself was 25minutes long, so I can go back to re-recording it and then editing it all over again. (7 years ago)
BlizzardAngel I have been working on a small montage of all the footage I accumulated with my older drone after I fried the motherboard and the camera whilst tinkering. Once I am satisfied with how it looks and feels I will upload it here and erase all the material used for it. I have also bought a small camera/recorder online to try and get some nice FPV footage from the place featured in my first video, looking forward to receiving it and getting something decent out of it if possible. Ill keep you posted! (7 years ago)
BlizzardAngel became friends with TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
Channel Comments (4)
BlizzardAngel (7 years ago)
TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
Welcome to VidLii
BlizzardAngel (7 years ago)
Thanks, looking forward to what this platform has to offer!
edray1416 (7 years ago)
Welcome to VidLii.
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