BigMushroomFan's Channel
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Welcome to BMF's second channel. Here I upload anything I don
Videos: 12
Video Views: 2,659
Subscribers: 113
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Videos: 10
Video Views: 8,218
Subscribers: 453
Recent Activity
BigMushroomFan Estoy de vuelta. (10 months ago)
BigMushroomFan Thank you for 300 Subscribers!! New video should be coming soon. :) (6 years ago)
BigMushroomFan Hey, I opened a new Public VidLii Server. Feel Free to join. (6 years ago)
BigMushroomFan It's my birthday today! :D (6 years ago)
BigMushroomFan Almost finished my Halloween channel design, all I need to do is set a new channel banner which I’ll do in a few hours but I gtg to school for now. (6 years ago)
Channel Comments (767)
TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago) Hey pal how are you?
Maltesich (5 years ago) BigDickSuckerFan
TheAnimator99 (5 years ago) otherwise i dont care.
TheAnimator99 (5 years ago) then if you said "it will remain banned" even if I will not be unbanned. also i didnt reupload my videos. also i decided to no more my videos when i am banned from my old account.
TheAnimator99 (5 years ago) ok, you just restore my subscribers to my TheAnimator99 account when people is going to unsubscribe to me when my old account got banned?, also you just restore my old videos to myanimator99 account?
TheAnimator99 (5 years ago) how can i wait to unban me today or next days?
TheAnimator99 (5 years ago) you read my comments?
TheAnimator99 (5 years ago) I do not want to know to say "no sorry." because my Mondo099 account got banned and i lost my videos. because i dont have my old videos on my files. i am not reupload my videos with my animator99 account, its just say my apologie to you when you banned me. please, reply me. i dont know if unban me and i promise never. ok?. also i am sorry for steal videos. because i will delete my "epic video" also i wont spam like my AVTP Accounts from feb, this is my response to you.
TheAnimator99 (5 years ago) hey, my account called "Mondo099" i say i am sorry for video stolen of doomy shitposts. because when you says "once your banned, your banned" i am not sure. because i promise i will did not upload never video stolen. also i wont to spam.
apreese16 (5 years ago) @OGBanEvasion Because this site supports free speech. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean it should be removed from the site.
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