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4dojo Joined: Sep 03, 2017 Last Sign In: 1 month ago Subscribers: 578 Video Views: 1,406 Channel Views: 14,602
This website is deader than Ezra Miller’s acting career.
Country: United States
Occupation: Nurse
Schools: Orange County Community College
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Dancing Pecs From: 4dojo
Views: 237
Comments: 23
Videos (5)
Dancing Pecs
Dancing Pecs 2 years ago
I'll save You!
I'll save You! 2 years ago
Warp Pipe Perils: On Vidlii
Warp Pipe Perils: On Vidlii 7 years ago
Animated Shorts
Animated Shorts 7 years ago
Nobody Wants to be Luigi
Nobody Wants to be Luigi 7 years ago
Channel Comments (1,327)
TheVideoGamer64 (2 years ago)
Oh cool. That's good that you're doing good. Same here, just relaxing. :)
Zaephy (2 years ago)
Thank u for your kind words.

Most hispanic people always tries to learn english in their schools and for necessity. I find english like a very nice language, and it's kinda easy for me.
JeffoElRey (2 years ago)
Me too, because it was a nice 80's ford and repairing the doors was expensive, and a pain. yea it's their law about some premarital bullcrap.
JeffoElRey (2 years ago)
She got it, most crazy type of women like that are super proned to set you up for other things just to ruin your entire life, it happened to my friend. but i will pray she gets herself together and until she does to never have another boyfriend or husband while she's unhinged like that.
JeffoElRey (2 years ago)
Well she did pay half, but didn't finish the rest only because she believed i was cheating on her and she said to me it's just a warning, and i live in a state where women have most of the rights, sad but true. oh that sucks did she have to pay for the tires? i also hope you had or have a restraining order on that one, because you never know if she might continue to try. but the last crazy ex wow dude, i mean i think she just wanted to make an excuse to say you raped her or something, i'm glad
JeffoElRey (2 years ago)
You know something that might be a good idea, a club where gentlemen can discuss about their exes and all the crap they've ever have done to them. what would we name our club? oh for one thing when she thought i was cheating on her because my women friend forgot her compact in my car she literally keyed my whole driver door and kicked my rear view mirrors. what has your ex done?
sillylaird (2 years ago)
it a fun series honestly. though dont expect a lot of talking. and dont expect it to be higher then like 360p in quality for the anime.
Hayate (2 years ago)
Yup I'm still here.
TheVideoGamer64 (2 years ago)
Yep. :) How are you?
Connie (2 years ago)
xD Hai dojo, nm just chillin on teh interbuttz per usual lulz!1 How r u doing 2day?? :P
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