4dojo's Channel
Joined: Sep 03, 2017
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Website: https://www.youtube.com/@4dojo
This website is deader than Ezra Miller’s acting career.
Country: United States
Occupation: Nurse
Schools: Orange County Community College
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lalinsky (2 years ago)
What is your job

lalinsky (2 years ago)
great, and you? ;-)

Oyashima (2 years ago)
Yeah I originally joined these social media sites simply for geopolitical and anthropological discourse along with run of the mill teenage shit like Sailor Moon and Evanescence.yeah those women are being hypgermaous,hypergamous is a primal trait for females of any species to have.since I’m still watching in the clouds on YouTube I have been up to date with stories of sexpats.recently Brazil booted out a sexpat named Auston Hollerman cause he made Brazilian women look very easy and sleazy

lalinsky (2 years ago)
Hi dojo

TheVideoGamer64 (2 years ago)
Oh okay. That's understandable. Any plans for your weekend?

Oyashima (2 years ago)
Like so many if not most Albanians in my,I am from the more conservative backwards North Albania/Montenegro border region which the communist regime persecuted for not giving up their backwater lifestyle and for fear of being used as a fifth column by Yugoslavia or whoever the nutty dictator was paranoid over.so I’m other words political asylum even though I’m not conservative in my lifestyle,how ironic :T

TheVideoGamer64 (2 years ago)
Cool, I actually seen that and Metroid Prime Remastered on Nintendo Switch on Nintendo Direct yesterday, I might get them both , but not for sure since I haven't played my Switch in awhile.

TheVideoGamer64 (2 years ago)
Yep. How are you?

TheVideoGamer64 (2 years ago)
I'm not for sure, but I know there was a glitch about a week or two that made the profile pictures blank and the backgrounds.

Oyashima (2 years ago)
I’ve been living in the states for 2 decades but my mother only speaks Albanian
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