Nika Titania UstaĊĦica
ScarletDelta96 Joined: May 14, 2024 Last Sign In: 4 days ago Subscribers: 0 Video Views: 30 Channel Views: 7
Age: 27
American woman,of East Asian,Slavic and Illyrian heritage
My father is Korean-Japanese and my mother is Croatian
Disgusted with what America has become,lots of people in America and other so called "civilized" west are in debt burden and mortgages caused by usury kikes are doing in banks,societies divided with racial tensions caused by gossip kikes have been doing in the media
kikes with their anglo saxon lackeys always say that usury,gossip and Plaza Accord style extortion is civilized
I was foolish to support Ukraine in the first place,after I learn that kikes and anglo saxons wants to do usury and Plaza Accord style extortion in Eastern Slavic World,now I fully support Russia and The Bear's military intervention in Ukraine,Russia still have mercy on Ukraine despite that most Ukrainians spit on Russia,most Ukrainians are indoctrinated to hate Russia,they think so called "civilized" west is paradise without knowing about debt burden and mortgages people there are facing caused by kikes with usury
Country: Nicaragua
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ScarletDelta96 commented on a video (2 weeks ago)
The Ku Klux klan
KKK was founded by a jew named Judah Benjamin,KKK work together with FBI,CIA and Mossad making White people looks bad
Channel Comments (1)
Chud14 (2 weeks ago)
Retarded degenerate mutt who hated Anglos
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