True Anime Radio
GhostTAR Joined: Oct 16, 2023 Subscribers: 3 Channel Views: 199
Age: 47
Greetings I'm Ghost from Earth-235. I'm the host of True Anime Radio. I'm from a different universe. And I love BoBoBoBoBoBo, it is one of the best animes ever made. Oh yeah and Ghost from TCR is a Russian backed piece of shit!

I AM A PROUD F.A.G. MEMBER LIKE MY FRIENDS SHIELDGhost, NickAdamsAlt, GhostsPetWeasel and TheDisneyNinja!
Country: Japan
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GhostTAR became friends with GhostsPetWeasel (7 months ago)
GhostTAR became friends with SHIELDGhost (7 months ago)
Channel Comments (22)
Yusuke (3 months ago)
She ain't my mama. Also BOBOBOBOOBOBOBOOBOBOBO Sucks ass! Yu Yu Hakusho owns the shit outta that show. AND THAT'S A FACT!
SonicStirfe (3 months ago)
Jinichi (5 months ago)
Bobobobobo is a crappy Anime.
MexicanCapitalist (6 months ago)
Anime convention of friendship?! What the fuck are you talking about, you stupid weeb?! Ghost isn't a racist you stupid weeb, he's a melting pot of friendship and is a nice guy! Fuck everyone running on the republican side, but I know Liz Cheney ain't running you stupid tard!
Goshiro (6 months ago)
CowboyCapitalist (7 months ago)
Boi, she isn't even running, why don't all you assholes get that through your heads?!
GamblingCapitalist (7 months ago)
I DON'T LIVE IN A TRAILER, I LIVE IN A HOUSE! Betting you still live with mammy and daddy like the fucking democrat you are! My mother is dead, you stupid tard, and Liz Cheney is 57 while I'm 58! How the fuck can she me my mother? Of course you're a sick disgusting coomer incel, just like those other manchildren like nickadamsalt, ghostspetweasel, and that asshole SHIELDGhost!
Sakurako (7 months ago)
I'd rather watch Naruto than watch that POS Boboboboboboobobobobo or whatever the fuck that show is called.
Aimi (7 months ago)
Nope. Also Demon Slayer owns Boboboboboobobobobo
Gotomoto (7 months ago)
Bobobo sucks ass.
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