Fortnite Joined: May 08, 2018 Last Sign In: 6 years ago Subscribers: 24 Video Views: 428 Channel Views: 496
Age: 34
Fortnite is the Action Building game from Epic Games available now in paid Early Access for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Mac.
Country: United States
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jedimaster0125 (2 weeks ago)
If the American government security to protect innocent love ones I do believe security
jedimaster0125 (2 weeks ago)
If the epic games warns the issues they have to stop this madness right now or shut them down right now
jedimaster0125 (2 weeks ago)
No. They won’t come back they won’t and it’s already too late, And they won’t be seeing them or each other again And it’s over All over for nothing if bad people broke the account on Fortnite, they were warn about security for they were arrested for stealing stuff
jedimaster0125 (2 weeks ago)
And if people rage quit on Fortnite especially children they won’t come back and play again
jedimaster0125 (2 weeks ago)
I should have Warn Security for not let people for getting more stuff for crowns or stealing is a criminal traitor always got arrested for committed treason
jedimaster0125 (2 weeks ago)
No bad people are stupid and worse I don’t trust them anymore And then they are foolish monsters like traitor trash
jedimaster0125 (3 weeks ago)
I Love ❤️ Fortnite
jedimaster0125 (3 weeks ago)
And the good news is I love Creative Thank You Epic
jedimaster0125 (3 weeks ago)
And when people failed Battle Royale They rage quit And broke the game Well too bad SOO SAD What a rip off
jedimaster0125 (1 month ago)
Game over for the players Game over for the grown-ups Game over for the families and that is when losers give up everything as a total loss
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